How is international mobility in post-Covid-19 times going to look like? Why Smart Vaccination Certificates are unlikely to relaunch international mobility and the “New Normal” might look very different for people in the North and in the Global South.
Read MoreIs there a link between the debates on decolonizing aid and cyber-colonialism?
Read MorePresentation jointly held with Michael Kubach of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft at the conference on “Fragile Contexts, Digitalisation, Remote Management, Monitoring and Verification” organised by BMZ and KfW. Online, 20 January 2021
Read MoreThe Covid19 pandemic accelerates the digital transformation and the narrative of a strong, protective state. Where does leave that civil society organizations?
Read MoreDie Daten, die unser Smart Home und Autos generieren gehören auf ein persönliches Datenkonto. Dieses ist der Grundstein für eine effektive individuelle Datensouveränität und informationelle Selbstbestimmung, denn ich kann nur das kontrollieren wozu ich exklusiven Zugriff habe .
Read MoreL’Union Européenne transforme nos vies sans que l’on ne s’en rende compte. D'une organisation pour un marché commun des biens traditionnels, l’UE est maintenant en train de créer un marché unique numérique et un référentiel d'identité commun pour nos espaces virtuels.
Read MoreThe New Humanitarian asked Linda Raftree and myself, to weigh in on the same six questions relating the use of biometrics in humanitarian settings.
Read MoreThe current fragmentation of the aid industry is a result of the interests of their main actors which are pursuing mandate and turf driven exclusive relationships with a subset of persons in need of protection and assistance. However, these powerless persons would benefit from competition and extended services which requires that the necessary disruption is imposed on the aid industry from the outside. There are prospects that once the current digital gold rush is replaced by more regulated approaches, the recipients of aid and protection can benefit from the logic of digital commercial platforms and digital citizens’ portals.
Read MoreSession in its integrality
Read MoreRecap with selected quotes and analysis
Read MoreWhile UNHCR has been using cash cards for more than a decade but the real protection dividend lies elsewhere: We should advocate for refugees to have full-fledged bank accounts so that they can receive, save, and transfer their monies like everybody else!
Read MoreA summary (“Reasons for biometric registration”) and a translation into English are available.
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